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Enterprise software continue to cost more

·2 mins
Vinnie Mirchandani wrote an article recently about how SAP and its vendors charge customers a bomb for product licenses and implementation. In summary: Product license structure is confusing, and customers pay for products that they have already paid for earlier Implementation specialists charge an unacceptable premium for their experience and expertise Infrastructure costs are high The world is exactly the same on the Oracle side of things.

Limit Text Length in Siebel

·2 mins
Siebel is no stranger to strange behaviour, but the text length property at the field level is certainly one of the weird ones out there. What happens here is simple -

Disruptions in IT. An action plan for the future

·6 mins
Phil Fersht from HfS recently talked about disruptions that are likely to impact the Indian service majors. I am one of Phil’s yay sayers, and this post is no different. I agree with whatever Phil says, albeit with a few twists.

Excel-based tool to query database

·4 mins
I am a Siebel developer when I am not doing anything else. And, since most of the times I don’t do something else, and at those times I cannot gainfully employ myself doing Siebel work, I end up doing something stupid.

Custom CRM? You must be joking.

·5 mins
A not-so-recent question on Quora, custom crm vs non-custom crm, asked whether custom (=built from scratch) solutions for CRM are better than the standard products. The question kind of tried to answer itself by pointing to a comparison of custom vs.

How does Siebel Open UI work?

·3 mins
Previously we have seen the architecture of Siebel Open UI. The architecture details all the components that come together that make Open UI tick. A brief description of those components also outline its role in the overall picture.

Siebel Open UI Architecture

·7 mins
We have seen what Siebel Open UI" is and how it is different (but not so different) from what Siebel has been doing so far. Let us look at a bit of architecture aspects of Open UI.

What is Siebel Open UI?

·7 mins
Siebel Open UI is not exactly new today, but there are more people confused about what exactly is the value it brings to the table, and where to begin learning it.

More Social Capabilities in Zoho CRM

·3 mins
I have written about Zoho CRM before, and also about basic capabilities to track social network profiles without any customization. Zoho is more than this, here we see more advanced social capabilities that can be enabled in the application.