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Make Siebel Usable

·7 mins
Usability requirements will be one in top 5 considerations for any new application deployment. However, they are seldom given the due respect in Siebel projects. IT functional and technical analysts assume that what Siebel provides out of the box (OOB) is holy and often push back on things that are not good from an application perspective (we don’t get into the merits of that argument here).

Is Siebel Dead?

·4 mins
Is Siebel dead, or on the load road to nowhere? For some of the CRM enthusiasts this is a question long answered. If not already dead it is certainly on its way.

Siebel Architecture Overview

·9 mins
Oracle Siebel CRM architecture is similar to the the standard 3-tier architecture employed for web applications and is straight-forward to understand. Though the concepts are well known, developers new to Siebel often do not articulate how the various pieces of puzzle come together.

Tackle Siebel Performance Problems

·4 mins
As you read this, try to recall how many times has this happened to you. The development team has slogged for more than a few weeks to produce a piece of art and deploy it in dev environment.