Siebel Configuration(CFG) File Explained
Have you seen Siebel CFG file lately?
For more Siebel developers CFG file is something that you need to set up during the very beginning of the project, and then it becomes transparent. Unless there are specific changes to be made, or issues to be debugged, and never bother about Siebel configuration file.
But when issues do come up, one is often left wondering on just what exactly do the numerous sections in CFG do? Here’s an attempt at outlining each is one of the sections that are worth knowing.
But first, it is worth knowing that Siebel CFG files are present on the server as well as in the client. Although some sections are of importance for the server, most of the information is derived from component parameters or server parameters.
For a developer/remote client, Siebel CFG is of utmost importance. Siebel.exe gets all the operational parameters from the configuration file. There are numerous CFG files, you define which CFG file is used by the application as an argument while starting Siebel.
Here’s a sample Siebel CFG file that is used by Siebel Sales client application. This is provided from a vanilla Siebel install to the F: drive.
;; At the top of each section, we have listed if the parameters are
;; being read from the cfg file for Server based Object Manager
;; components
;; If the section below says "Client-only" section, then the parameter
;; values listed here will not be read from this cfg file but from
;; parameters as defined during the configuration for the Siebel Enterprise
;; In effect the parameter values will be read from the gatewaysrvr/shared
;; memory. If you need to change the values for any of these parameters
;; please use the Server Admin screens or servermanager line mode to
;; change the values. At the top of each section, it also lists where
;; the parameter values are defined, i.e. are thay component parameters
;; or named subsystem parameters.(This is visible to the complete enterprise.)
;; For Developers, If you need to change values during configuration
;; for Object Manager components, please change the srvrdefs.tdt file
;; For Users, If you need to change the values after configuration
;; for Object Manager components, go to the relevant Server Admin screen
;; and update parameters.
;; The following Siebel Section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
RepositoryFile = siebel_sia.srf
ApplicationName = Siebel Sales Enterprise
ApplicationTitle = Siebel Sales
ApplicationSplashText = Siebel Sales
Vertical = SIA
ComponentName = Siebel Sales Client
ShowMessageBar = User Enabled
MessageBarUpdateInterval = 120
DataSource = Local
ClientRootDir = F:\dev\siebel\Client
TempDir = F:\dev\siebel\Client\temp
Version = 100
ClientFileServSupport = TRUE
MultiCurrency = TRUE
EnableBizRule = TRUE
EnableScripting = TRUE
EnableOLEAutomation = TRUE
OLEAutomationDLL = sscfole.dll
ReportsODBCDataSource = Siebel Reports: Access
DockRepositoryName = Siebel Repository
HoldExportOdbcConnection = FALSE
LocalDbODBCDataSource = SEAW Local Db default instance
LargeFont = Verdana-8-normal
SmallFont = Verdana-8-normal
DefaultChartFont = Verdana-10-normal
NavBarItemFont = Verdana-8-bold
NavBarSelectFont = Verdana-8-bold
NavBarTitleFont = Verdana-10-bold
AppletTitleFont = Verdana-10-bold
Language = ENU
SrvrUpdateInterval = 60
SrvrTimeOutInterval = 600
EnablePersonalization = TRUE
PersonalizationLog =
DocumentIntegrator =
WebClientSiteDir = F:\dev\siebel\Client\public\enu
AccessDir = $(AccessRoot)
SearchEngine = Fulcrum
SearchDefName = Sales Definition
SearchInstallDir = $(SearchInstallDir)
RemoteSearchServer = True
RemoteSearchServerPath = /tcp
; UsernameBCField =
;; This is a client-only section ( for example siebel.exe)
;; All the data sources shown below are defined as
;; named subsystems in the Siebel Enterprise. To change the values
;; for these datasources, use the following command
;; In the line mode srvrmgr
;; > change param paramname="<value>" for named subsystem <named subsys name>
;; In the case below it will be Local/Sample/ServerDataSrc/GatewayDataSrc
RequestServerName = CHANGE_ME
SecAdptName = DBSecAdpt
SecAdptMode = DB
DBSecAdpt_SecAdptDllName = sscfsadb
DataSourceName = Local
DBSecAdpt_PropagateChange = TRUE
Local = Local
Sample = Sample
ServerDataSrc = Server
GatewayDataSrc = Gateway
Docked = FALSE
ConnectString = F:\dev\siebel\Client\local\sse_data.dbf -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c15p -ch25p
TableOwner = SIEBEL
DockedDBFilename = F:\dev\siebel\Client\local\sse_data.mdf
DLL = sscdw9.dll
SqlStyle = Watcom
MaxCachedCursors = 16
MaxCachedDataSets = 16
ReverseFillThreshold = 100
DockTxnsPerCommit = 500
DockRecvTxnsPerCommit = 10
DockConnString = false
ChartServer = localhost:8001
ChartImageFormat = png
AutoStopDB = FALSE
EnterpriseServer = CHANGE_ME
UseCachedExternalContent = TRUE
Docked = FALSE
ConnectString = F:\dev\siebel\Client\sample\UTF8\sse_samp.dbf -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c40m -ch60m
TableOwner = SIEBEL
DockedDBFilename = CHANGE_ME
SqlStyle = Watcom
MaxCachedCursors = 16
MaxCachedDataSets = 16
ReverseFillThreshold = 100
FileSystem = F:\dev\siebel\Client\sample\files
ChartServer = localhost:8001
ChartImageFormat = png
SymbolicURLSuffix = _Demo
AutoStopDB = FALSE
Docked = TRUE
ConnectString = CHANGE_ME
TableOwner = CHANGE_ME
DLL = sscdo90.dll
SqlStyle = OracleCBO
MaxCachedCursors = 16
MaxCachedDataSets = 16
ReverseFillThreshold = 100
FileSystem = F:\dev\siebel\fs\att
GatewayAddress = CHANGE_ME
EnterpriseServer = CHANGE_ME
CurrentSQLID =
MaxCursorSize =
PrefetchSize = unique in
ChartServer = localhost:8001
ChartImageFormat = png
ConnectString = CHANGE_ME
PrimaryEnterprise = CHANGE_ME
DLL = sscda10.dll
Hidden = TRUE
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
EnableReportServer = FALSE
ReportServerHost = CHANGE_ME
ReportCastHost = CHANGE_ME
ReportCastDomain = CHANGE_ME
ProtocolName = HTTP
RoxDir = /Siebel Reports/
ConnectString = CHANGE_ME
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
XdoDir = /xmlp/templates/
ReportOutputDir = /xmlp/reports/
ReportDataDir = /xmlp/data/
FullName = XMLPJvmSubsys
Description = XMLP Java Business Service Subsystem Parameters
SubsysType = JVMSubSys
CLASSPATH =F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\SiebelXMLP.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\xdoparser.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\xdocore.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\xmlparserv2-904.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\versioninfo.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\share.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\jewt4.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\jdbc12.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\i18nAPI_v3.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\collections.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\bipres.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\bicmn.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\siebel.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\XSLFunctions.jar;F:\dev\siebel\Client\classes\SiebelCustomXMLP.jar
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
CommEnable = FALSE
CommSimulate = FALSE
CommLocalDriver = TRUE
CommLogDebug = FALSE
CommReleaseLogHandle = TRUE
CommConfigManager = FALSE
CommReqTimeout = 600
CommLogFile = SComm.log
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
DefaultMailClient = Siebel Mail Client
SiebelExtMailClientAttDir =
LotusForm =
OutlookForm =
DebugLevel = 0
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
AddInEnabled = FALSE
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
[Web Collaboration]
Enable = FALSE
Type = Siebel eCollaboration
ServerHost = CHANGE_ME
LogLevel = 0
LogFile = F:\dev\siebel\Client\log\WebCollab.log
EnableSimulation = FALSE
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
ConfiguratorDLLName = sscsbc.dll
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
Enable = FALSE
Type = CyberSourceICS2
ServerHost =
MerchantId = ICS2Test
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
PricerPriceListCacheSize = 50
PricerPriceItemCacheSize = 100
PricerVolDisCacheSize = 50
PricerPriceModelCacheSize= 50
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
Enable = FALSE
Type = Taxware
CompanyId = CHANGE_ME
CompanyLoc = CHANGE_ME
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
Enable = FALSE
Type = FirstLogic
;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
Enable = FALSE
Type = SSA
SAPRfcPassword = CHANGE_ME
SAPIdocAllowedObjects = Product - Receive SAP Material (IDOC Input),Account - Receive SAP Customer (IDOC Input)
ExtDBPassword = CHANGE_ME
ExtDBTableOwner = CHANGE_ME
;; These sections below will be read from the cfg file for both the
;; zero-foot-print client and the mobile client.
View1 = "My Opportunity List View"
ShowScreenTabIcon = TRUE
EnableOpenUI = true
ViewBarCaption = "Show:"
SortAscendingCaption = "<img src='images/icon_sort_up.gif' alt='Sort Ascending' border=0>"
SortDescendingCaption = "<img src='images/icon_sort_down.gif' alt='Sort Descending' border=0>"
CalendarFieldCaption = "<img src='images/icon_calendar.gif' border=0 alt='Input' align='absmiddle'>"
CalculatorFieldCaption = "<img src='images/icon_calculator.gif' border=0 alt='Input' align='absmiddle'>"
EnableSIDataLossWarning = TRUE
ScreenJumpTabRightOnBitmap = JUMPTAB_NEXT_ON
ScreenJumpTabRightOffBitmap = JUMPTAB_NEXT_OFF
ScreenJumpTabRightBlankBitmap = JUMPTAB_BLANK
ScreenJumpTabLeftOnBitmap = JUMPTAB_PREV_ON
ScreenJumpTabLeftOffBitmap = JUMPTAB_PREV_OFF
ScreenJumpTabLeftBlankBitmap = JUMPTAB_BLANK
ViewJumpTabRightOnBitmap = JUMPTAB_NEXT_ON
ViewJumpTabRightOffBitmap = JUMPTAB_NEXT_OFF
ViewJumpTabRightBlankBitmap = JUMPTAB_BLANK
ViewJumpTabLeftOnBitmap = JUMPTAB_PREV_ON
ViewJumpTabLeftOffBitmap = JUMPTAB_PREV_OFF
ViewJumpTabLeftBlankBitmap = JUMPTAB_BLANK
ViewBarCaption = "Show:"
ListRowStyle = "Siebel List"
HighInteractivity = TRUE
EnableSIFocusTracking = TRUE
AppletSelectStyle = "Applet Select"
EnableCDA = TRUE
SortAscendingBitmap = SORT_UP
SortDescendingBitmap = SORT_DOWN
SortAscendingDisabledBitmap = SORT_UP_ON
SortDescendingDisabledBitmap = SORT_DOWN_ON
SortAscendingCaption = "<img src='images/icon_sort_up.gif' alt='Sort Ascending' border=0>"
SortDescendingCaption = "<img src='images/icon_sort_down.gif' alt='Sort Descending' border=0>"
;EditFieldCaption = "<img src='images/btn_select.gif' border=0 alt='Select' align='absmiddle'>"
EditFieldCaption = ICON_SELECT
EditFieldType = Link
CalendarFieldCaption = "<img src='images/icon_calendar.gif' border=0 alt='Input' align='absmiddle'>"
CalculatorFieldCaption = "<img src='images/icon_calculator.gif' border=0 alt='Input' align='absmiddle'>"
AllowAnonUsers = TRUE
UserSWFName = CfgHtmlType.swf
UserAgentFile = ua.ini
TreeNodeCollapseCaption = "<img src='images/tree_collapse_d.gif' alt='-' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeCollapseElbowCaption = "<img src='images/tree_coll_elbow_d.gif' alt='-' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeCollapseTeeCaption = "<img src='images/tree_coll_tee_d.gif' alt='-' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeElbowCaption = "<img src='images/tree_elbow_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeExpandCaption = "<img src='images/tree_expand_d.gif' alt='+' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeExpandElbowCaption = "<img src='images/tree_exp_elbow_d.gif' alt='+' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeExpandTeeCaption = "<img src='images/tree_exp_tee_d.gif' alt='+' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeTeeCaption = "<img src='images/tree_tee_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeCloseFolderCaption = "<img src='images/tree_closed_folder_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeLeafCaption = "<img src='images/tree_leaf_local_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeOpenFolderCaption = "<img src='images/tree_open_folder_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeOpenFolder2Caption = "<img src='images/tree_open_folder2_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeRootCaption = "<img src='images/tree_root_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeBarCaption = "<img src='images/tree_bar_d.gif' alt='|' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeSpaceCaption = "<img src='images/tree_space.gif' alt=' ' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeArrowUpCaption = "<img src='images/arrow_up.gif' alt='^' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeArrowDownCaption = "<img src='images/arrow_down.gif' alt='V' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
EnableClientHealthCheck = TRUE
;; This section specifies the parameters for Browser Health Check
AppletScripting = Required
DisableScriptDebug = Recommended
FileDownload = Required
PasteViaScript = Recommended
PrintBGColors = Recommended
QFE314312 = Recommended
QFE832894 = Recommended
QFE823099 = Required
QFE824145 = Required
ReuseWindow = Recommended
SUNJREVersion = Recommended
; This section is for ERM page rendering cache parameters
[ERM Page Rendering]
EnablePageCache = TRUE
EnableDefaultViewPageCache = TRUE
EnablePageAccessCache = TRUE
EnableUserPageAccessCache = TRUE
EnableUserPageItemAccessCache = TRUE
EnablePageExistsCache = TRUE
PageCacheSize = 256
PageCacheTimeout = 5
DefaultViewPageCacheTimeout = 10
PageAccessCacheTimeout = 10
PageExistsCacheTimeout = 10
EnableContentInContext = TRUE
;; To enable contextual collaboration, set the flag to TRUE
CollaborationEnabled = FALSE
SecurityToken = "Siebel Collaboration"
UserAuthentication = ADSI
VerifyCollaborationUser = TRUE
DomainName = CHANGE_ME
SSOSystem = "Team Space Collaboration"
;; This section is for collaboration teamspace existence cache parameters
[Collaboration Teamspace Existence Cache]
MaxItems = 1000
ItemTimeout = 300
;; Object specific unique cache identifier
Opportunity Cache Key = OP
Service Request Cache Key = SR
Account Cache Key = AC
SecAdptDllName = sscfldap
ServerName =
Port = 389
BaseDN =
SharedCredentialsDN =
UsernameAttributeType = uid
PasswordAttributeType = userPassword
CredentialsAttributeType = credentials
RolesAttributeType =
SslDatabase =
ApplicationUser =
ApplicationPassword =
PropagateChange = FALSE
SingleSignOn = FALSE
TrustToken =
UseAdapterUsername = FALSE
SiebelUsernameAttributeType =
VersionCheck1 = "<00" F:\dev\siebel\Client\sample\tcupgrade.html
TableOwner = CHANGE_ME
SqlStyle = OracleCBO
ISSCDAProdDetBusCompName = Internal Product
ISSCDAProdDetBusObjName = Internal Product
ISSCDAProdDetViewName = Product Detail Key Features View
ISSCDAHeaderBusObjName = Quote
ISSCDAHeaderBusCompName = Quote
ISSCDAIntegrationObjName = 7.7 Quote Integration Object
ISSCDAListItemBusCompName = Quote Item
ISSCDAHeaderViewName = Quote Detail View
ISSCDAGetMyPriceFields = List Price,Product Name,Current Price,Pricing Comments,Original List Price,NRC CxTotal,MRC CxTotal
Siebel Sales Wireless = WirelessSalesObjMgr_enu
Siebel Service Wireless = WirelessServiceObjMgr_enu
Siebel PRM Wireless = WirelesseChannelObjMgr_enu
;;Siebel eService Wireless = WirelesseServiceObjMgr_enu
;; For Real Time Sync mobile client only
QueuingSoftware = MQe
SMQCompression = GZIP
SMQEncryption = RC4
SMQLogMessages = TRUE
SMQPollingInterval = 30
SMQConnectOnStart = FALSE
SMQConnectOnSend = FALSE
MQeServerQMgr = ServerQM
MQeServerQueue = InboundQ
MQeServerAddr = CHANGE_ME
MQeServerPort = 8082
MQeServerCmd = /servlet/Mqe
VerCheckTime = $(VerCheckTime)
A string enclosed in square brackets indicates a section. Anything under that he said to be part of the same section. Although CFG is quite a long file and has made things going on in there, Siebel developers are typically interested in specific sections and details.
1. [Siebel] #
This is the core section of the CFG file that is placed at the very beginning. It has the following important parameters.
2. [InfraSecMgr] #
This is a section to specify security adapter. Typically it is DB.
3. [DataSources] #
You can have as many data sources as you like, and you need to specify all of them in this section. You specify the data source at the title of starting of Siebel application.
4. Data source sections: [Local], [ServerDataSrc], [Sample] #
These sections are very similar. They outline the different parameters required for distinct data sources used by Siebel client.
5. [InfraUIFramework] #
This section is specifies the bitmap names can be used for various icons within Siebel application, as well stores the recommended settings for the browser ( it does not physically do those checks).
In Summary #
You can find the configuration file information from Oracle, but I bet it will not be as entertaining as this post 🙂
Even a boring topic like Siebel CFG file becomes interesting when you start asking “why” for everything. Think I have left out any important sections from the CFG? Comment and let me know.