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Perils of early go-live

·2 mins
Most IT projects I have seen suffer from the low-estimate syndrome. I take full responsibility for projects I own and execute, since I behave like an idiot and be too aggressive when it is not required.

Insightly - Nifty CRM for Small Business

·7 mins calls itself #1 for small businesses, and over 50,000 users. So, does cut it when it comes to CRM. Let’s go check it out. What is Insightly? #Insightly is an integrated CRM and project management application that is targeted at small businesses.

How to debug Siebel Script faster?

·5 mins
Siebel scripting is powerful. But, frustratingly slow to create - thanks to the slow debugging process in Siebel. When you are writing scripts, you follow a simple process - Select a specific event in the Applet, BC or Application Create the script (hopefully review it) Compile script Test, and find something that is not working Rinse, and repeat In the age of dynamic languages, this introduces a slow process for script development.

Debugging Siebel Developer or Mobile Client

·3 mins
Siebel Mobile Clients are not only the only way to enable disconnected application for “remote” users, but also have been the development platform for Siebel developers. It was quite sometime back that Siebel provided two modes for a disconnected client - Siebel Mobile Client and Siebel Developer Client.

What constitutes Customer Relationship Management?

·2 mins
Really. What constitutes CRM? If I can put it down in bullets, they would probably be: Know who your current and potential customer is (hitherto known simply as ‘customer’) Engage your customer and “manage” all touch points with customer Know what customer is telling you and about you directly and indirectly Know your own performance against your stated objectives regarding customer A few thoughts on why only four points are below.

Debugging Siebel Web Client

·3 mins
I am of the view that: Development = 80% debugging, 20% writing new stuff. Debugging your own code, or that written by others is what you will do most of your coding life.