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When should you create your own CRM system?

·4 mins
Age old question, this - “should I use a off-the-shelf product, or should I develop my own CRM system instead”. It is easy to dismiss this question as irrelevant in this day and age, when everyone and their dog is jumping on the cloud CRM solutions with neatly packaged features.

Change Siebel Tools

·3 mins
Alexander Hansal covered a recent enhancement to the Siebel Tools - the code editor can display the line numbers and make code blocks collapsible. Though anyone saying he loves coding in Siebel deserves to be shot and drowned, I do welcome any *change* to the status quo that can improve the life of Siebel developers.

What the 'No App' world means to CRM?

·3 mins
Intercom has a post about how notification windows, and cards are changing what an app means, and how it will change in the near future . This is interesting in many ways.

Multi-select Fields in Salesforce vs. Siebel MVF

·3 mins
Multiple-value fields, or multi-select fields are typical in any CRM system. For e.g. an account has multiple addresses, or, a contact can have multiple telephone numbers. But, so far CRM systems except Siebel have been laggards in implementing such a function.

Where is Siebel headed anyway?

·5 mins
Bang out of the blue, a friend drew my attention to a past post on Infosysblogs that predicts a cheery future for Siebel. (broken link - Now none of the Indian IT industry veterans are doing a fantastico job on innovation.

Make money grocery shopping. CRM from People

·4 mins
A weekly, or monthly visit to grocery store is part of life’s routine. It is also a routine to see how Coke, Lays, Colgate and other interesting stuff neatly arranged to catch your eye?

What are you doing in CRM lately? Idea no. 6 is as old as me

·4 mins
You have the latest in sales tools, you already are tracking your customer’s social activities, you have a well-defined service process, and you are super focused on marketing your brand/product/service on every channel you can find.